Millennial traits or business opportunities?

I read the article about millennial trends and one of the points was that millennials have a desire to travel. This is true most millennials do have a strong desire to travel, to see all, do all, experience all. Young people are tired of everything being the way it’s always been. They want to try new things. My generation wants to experience as much as possible and I believe several great business opportunities could come out of this desire. If a business offered foods or services from all over the world it would greatly appeal to the younger more adventurous generation. A coffee shop that specialized in the brewing and serving styles from all regions of the world could attract people that want to try new things. Or a travel agency that catered to young people offering affordable trips to see the best of Instagram beaches, mountains, or hideaways only the locals know about. A business like that would get the average millennial out doing things, experiencing cultures from all over the world, discovering themselves, and learning what they are truly passionate about. If an entrepreneur knows what millennials want and are willing to spend money on there are countless business opportunities available.


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